What is “Unstoppable Coaching?”

Unstoppable Coaching is one-on-one life coaching based on the principles outlined in the book, “Being Unstoppable,” by David Chard, and brought to life experientially in The Unstoppable Workshop.

Are you lost inside limiting beliefs?

“The purpose of the coaching is to take a close look at what you want and the things that stop you from having it. As clarity about ‘what’s stopping you’ emerges, the coaching focuses on the five principal reasons people do not achieve their dreams. The coaching is unique in it’s focus on undoing limiting beliefs.”

No.1 The Box: Essentially, this is the ‘box’ that people want to transcend when they say, “I need to go outside the box.” The box is the reactive Robot (hard-wired reaction-patterns) and Filters that shape your Comfort Zone and personal blind spots. Essentially, ‘The Box’ is your mind and your nervous system. Your mind is a beautiful gift, but when self-awareness is blocked, it can stop you and keep you stuck in circular strategies that go nowhere. Every see the film “Groundhog’s Day?” Unstoppable Coaching helps you see the conflicts that prevent you moving forward when one part of you says “Yes!” and another part says “No!”
And when you understand these conflicts and what to do about them, you are on your way.
No. 2 Stories: Human beings live from stories of their own creation. You have a story about who you are, what is possible and not possible for you, what your life means, what the world is like, and “who you are” as a person. With the right story, you can achieve anything. But if your story (outside of awareness) does not serve your dream, it will stop you in your tracks. In Unstoppable Coaching, you will gain deep insights into your story, where it came from, how it is or is not serving you and how to create a powerful story that can make you Unstoppable.
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I Am Enough. Let Me Count The Ways

Probably the single most damaging self-limiting belief is the idea that a person could be inadequate, unworthy, incomplete…or ‘not enough.’
This thought-virus pervades our planet, largely as a result of the many trillions of dollars spent on mass-media advertising to convince people that “If you would just buy our product…then…and only then…you will be OK, acceptable, worthy, a better mother, a good person, more beautiful,” and so on. All the adverts are saying is “you are not enough as you are and you will only be ‘enough’ when you find your missing piece. And we have it here in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors.”

Like all self-limiting beliefs, the “I am not enough” meme is a lie. And the very idea that a person could, at some fundamental level be ‘not enough,’ apart from being ludicrous, has done enormous damage to the lives of billions of people. Because, to live inside the lie of ‘not enough’ is to suffer and to fall short of personal joy and fulfillment. And then you die, with regrets, assuming that the lie was true.

So, in this post, I want to distinguish “I am enough” as an antidote to the toxic “unworthiness meme” that has been proliferating in The Matrix, in hopes that in some way, this may help people to recover their sense of ‘enough-ness’ and realize they are in fact Unstoppable.

Some people when hearing about “I am enough” for the first time, have this reaction:

“If I buy into this, it means there will no longer be any motivation to go after my goals or pursued my dreams. I will just sit on my ass thinking ‘I am enough’ and feel I don’t need to do anything at all. To hell with that.”

This idea, that we need to have a sense of incompleteness or unworthiness in order to be motivated is a bit strange, if you think about it. Translated, it says, “The only way to motivate people is to first make them feel ‘less-than’ or ‘not good enough’ and then persuade them that ‘someday’…when they have done A, B, C….then they will be good enough.” Quite a lot like the message of all that mass-media advertising, is it not?

The “someday I’ll be OK” notion implies that, on the way to ‘success’ you are doomed to living each day from a sense of inadequacy, not really good enough, flawed and incomplete, and, that such a state of unworthiness is going to be motivating over the long term! Ludicrous!

So now let me explain what “I am enough” really means:

“I am enough” is a stand for personal wholeness that is an intrinsic and integral part of every human being, from birth. It can never be increased nor can it be diminished. It says: ‘I am worthy, because I am here, and nothing can threaten my worth, ever. My worth is never ‘up for grabs.’

“I am enough” is a very powerful message to the subconscious mind, declaring, “I am good, I am worthy, I deserve, I can have a good life, I am accepted, always and in All Ways.” Since the mind always does what it thinks you want it to do, it’s safe to assume that a mind programmed with “I am enough” as a core assumption is going to produce a life of joy and fulfillment.

(Unlike a life lived from “I’m not enough, I’m flawed, incomplete and inadequate across the board,” which is going to be a life of sadness, shame, and self-fulfilling failures.)

“I am enough” is broad and pervasive in its positive implications:
I am strong enough
I am smart enough
I am beautiful enough
I am powerful enough
I am resilient enough
I am happy enough
I am talented enough
I am good enough
I am capable enough
I am worthy enough
“I am enough,” implies that, in every way that matters, I am irrevocably adequate, whole, complete and essentially wonderful…simply because I am a miracle of the Universe. Did you know that the odds against anyone existing at all are 1 in 400 trillion? 

When I live from the understanding and the knowing that “I am enough” I can choose to pursue anything that lights me up, inspires me, fulfills me or contributes to the world. In other words, I can pursue my dreams from a position of worthiness… instead of a position of fear and self-loathing due to my alleged inadequacy. Every day, in every way, I AM ENOUGH.

People who realize they are enough have different self-talk from those who believe they are inadequate and this self-talk reinforces their ‘enough-ness’ in a positive loop:

I am enough…so I deserve love
I am enough…so I love myself as I am right now…no waiting
I am enough…so I have something to offer the world
I am enough…so my mistakes are just bumps in the road, not ‘evidence” of inadequacy
I am enough…so I’m a great person
I am enough…so I have the courage to pursue my dreams
I am enough…so I know I cannot ‘fail’
Renowned therapist Marisa Peer, a huge proponent of the transformative power of ‘I am enough,’ reminds us that:
      “Every word you say or think is a blueprint for your reality.
      “We make our thoughts and then our thoughts make us.”

The Core Issue. Working with people from all walks of life, rich and poor, Marisa noticed that the core issue for every one of her clients was that they believed “I am not enough…there is something wrong with me.”

As such they had pursued every manner of dysfunctional life strategy ‘in order to’…be enough…someday. And she found that in every case, when her clients really ‘got it’ that they were already ‘enough’ their lives transformed rapidly and effortlessly; the suffering was over. In my terms, they awakened to the fact of their Unstoppability…and were no longer stopped.

“I am enough” stops the suffering. The worst thing about a belief in being ‘not enough’ is that is a form of deep suffering and pain. Imagine being in a trance of believing you are less-than, inadequate, unworthy and unlovable…all the while comparing yourself to others you believe are worthy ‘because they made it to the top’ or performed in remarkable ways that you have not. The Big Lie of “not enough” is incredibly painful and undermines your possibilities…it does NOT empower or motivate you in any way.

“I am enough,” is immediate and always true. It is not linked to any standard of achievement. It is not a reward you aspire to. It is already yours, because you were born. It is a gift. Will you accept this gift?
One more wonderful quote from Marisa Peer, a champion of the #IAMENOUGH movement:
“You can choose what you say to yourself. But you don’t get to choose what happens when you self-criticize and put yourself down. Where the head goes, the body follows and you are inviting a weakened immune system, depression, anxiety and endless stress.”

In other words, when you put yourself down with your self-talk, you are shooting yourself in the foot and making yourself Stoppable.

I invite you to put up Post-It notes all around you with the words “I am enough” on them. Each time you see the words “I am enough” just go ahead and accept it as a fact. When your Inner Critic puts you down, just reply with “Thanks but I am enough and I am unstoppable.” Find out what happens.

Make no mistake: you are already Unstoppable and you are already Enough. The Unstoppable Workshop™ is simply a portal for those who may not have fully realized it…yet.

Learn more about The Unstoppable Workshop™ here:
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Mind-Made Reality: The Box is a Robot. And the Robot is a Hypnotist


“The Box” from The Unstoppable Workshop. Created by Innogreat.
We like to begin the Unstoppable Workshop™ with an experience called “In and Out of the Box” created by Jimbo Clark of Innogreat.

The exercise is a fantastic metaphor for the mind, and it can be unpacked and built upon in seemingly endless ways, to help participants raise their self-awareness and break free of their limits.

And during the exercise, we learn that everyone’s box is different and so their experiences will also be different. We each have our own unique “Model of the World” and so, we soon discover, with 25 participants…there are in fact 25 different workshops going on at the same time. On this planet there are 7 billion boxes and therefore 7 billion unique ways of being a ‘self’ and knowing the world.

Of course, Anais Nin famously said long ago:
     “We don’t see the world as it is. We see it as we are.”
But there are several things about the box, and how it operates, that are the same for everyone: the box is a robot and the robot is a hypnotist.

The Robot. Once we have a well-formed ‘box’ — a collection of beliefs, concepts, ideas, preferences and limitations—we are then subject to the robotic, automatic responses that it dictates, outside of conscious awareness. It becomes like a Virtual Reality headset that shows us a world that isn’t there and demands that we automatically respond to those things the same way, every time.

One of the functions of the Robot is to generate thought-streams in our minds: the voices of our beliefs speaking to us incessantly, demanding our attention.  Of course, these thoughts are not real…they are just ‘thoughts.’ And, those thoughts have consequences: they hypnotize us into robotically accepting the ideas they contain and acting as if they were in fact ‘real.’ We are limited in our responses and as such, literally ‘in a box.’

The Hypnotist. Any hypnotist will tell you that it is never a problem to get someone into a trance. As Milton Erickson, father of modern hypnotherapy said, “The real challenge is getting people out of the trance they come in with.”  The robot, like a hypnotist uses language, in the form of thoughts to ‘narrow and focus our attention’ and that induces a trance state. Once in the trance, we tend to accept the hypnotist’s suggestions as ‘real’ and act as if they are real. Anyone who has seen a stage hypnosis show will tell you that people under trance are quite happy to believe they are chickens and move and cluck just like chickens.

In the same way, the “Robot Hypnotist” of the box, entrances the owner of the box into believing the world they see through the lens of the box is in fact ‘the real world.’ This ensures that their behavior and choices are aligned with the world they see. Under the hypnotic influence of the box you attend to a narrow range of possibilities and apply a narrow range of ‘autopilot’ responses. Then you may stumble through life like a drunk in a dark room who can’t see the furniture. And when you stub your toe on an unseen obstacle you may curse and lament, “This should not be! This is wrong! It’s so unfair!” Sound familiar?

Clearly this is a life of suffering, is it not? And, ironically, you may step carefully around obstacles that are not even there…in order to ‘be safe.’ And many things your Robot labels as ‘obstacles’ are in fact opportunities.

Under hypnosis, a hypnotist can persuade the subconscious mind of a subject to discard old limiting ideas and accept new, more empowering ones. This helps people to lose weight, stop smoking, take on a healthier self-image, let go of past trauma, and so on. And the primary tool of the hypnotist is simply language…consisting of words that take the form of thoughts, which the subject either accepts or rejects. And, some new empowering thoughts can ‘wear off’ if the subject isn’t really predisposed to change at a deep level. It can take multiple hypnotic sessions to achieve the desired result. And sometimes, no matter how many sessions, the subject still doesn’t change.

When this happens, it is almost always because, at some level, the person believes that ‘the problem’ is actually serving them in some way…and so they cling to it…robotically. At the simplest level this is like saying, “I need this problem to be safe and to survive in the world.” According to therapist Marisa Peer, “the mind will always do what it thinks you want it to do.” So if you have developed a ‘problem’ and believe at a deep level, outside your awareness, that this ‘problem’ serves you…it is unlikely to change…even if changing is actually in your best interests.

This is ‘the box’ at full tilt and it is the reason we created the Unstoppable Workshop™: to surface and discard deeply held self-limiting beliefs. Our intention is that by increasing participants’ awareness of the ‘box’ and its hypnotic powers, they will naturally begin to question and doubt the world of limiting ideas their robot presents them…and in their own time, in their own way, let go of the old programming in favor of a friendlier, more compassionate, and more effective way of being in the world.

Most people will never completely escape the limits of their box and we accept that. In fact, some of the limitations the box provides can be very useful, such as “Don’t eat the yellow snow!” And, we trust that this metaphorical way of understanding human conditioning (the conditioned human) offers a humorous, gentle and profound pathway to accessing greater personal freedom, responsibility and self-compassion that is so missing in our world.

“As we like to say, “Some people have boxes…and some boxes have people.”

If you would like to have some fun while gaining a deeper understanding of your Mind-Made reality, raise your self-awareness, reduce your suffering, and move beyond your comfort zone, we’d like to invite you to give yourself the gift of participating in The Unstoppable Workshop™ It has been created to support you in getting the life you want, while there is still time to do so.

The Unstoppable Workshop™ is 2 days of fun, sharing, learning and transformation. It’s like a safe cocoon in which you can reconsider your world view and choose new ways of being that reflect who you really are. Then, you can emerge with new wings, to enjoy a new life, free of limiting beliefs. We use a lot of experiential activities, games and humor to make it an entertaining cocoon…and one that will compassionately stretch your mind into a new shape.
“What if the change you’re avoiding is the one that will set you free?”
Learn more about The Unstoppable Workshop™ here: 
Register for The Unstoppable Workshop™ here:






Loosen Your Beliefs…at The Unstoppable Workshop

Loosen Your Beliefs
Who do you say you are?
“In order to live your soul into the world,
you must continuously loosen your beliefs
about who you are.
…loosen your beliefs about
who you are supposed to be.
…loosen your beliefs about
who other people are.
…loosen your beliefs about
how life is supposed to be.
   ~ Richard Rohr and Alan Seale

Beliefs are made-up rules, often created when we are small children, that bind us in limitation and keep us in a box of our own making. They often occur as thought-stories penned by our Inner Critic. They can seem real and evoke strong emotional / fear responses that keep us going in circles. They have no reality beyond what you give to them.

Beliefs Have Consequences

It takes time, focus, and energy to hang on to beliefs…just as it does to fly a kite. Holding on tightly to the string, focused on one tiny piece of sky and you have to stand in a fixed position, unmoving…stopped.

Beliefs blind us to any evidence that doesn’t agree with the belief.

Beliefs about ourselves, others and life can cause suffering and cut us off from our own self-love and self-compassion.

Beliefs are never ‘true’…they are simply thoughts that we choose to agree with…though most often we have long forgotten making the choice.

Beliefs pretend to keep us ‘safe’ from what we fear but at the same time keep us ‘safe’ from setting ourselves free.

Holding onto a limiting belief, or not, can make the difference between living the life of your dreams…or ending up with despair, sorrow and regrets.

You are invited to ‘loosen up your beliefs’ and if you do…you may find that they simply slip away and are forgotten. Like when you let go of the string of a kite. You no longer have to stand in one place and are once again free to move in the direction of your dreams.

“You don’t get what you deserve. You get what you believe.”
The Unstoppable Workshop™ is 2 days of fun, sharing, learning and transformation. It’s like a safe cocoon in which you can reconsider your world view and choose new ways of being that reflect who you really are. Then, you can emerge with new wings, to enjoy a new life, free of limiting beliefs. We use a lot of experiential activities, games and humor to make it an entertaining cocoon…and one that will compassionately stretch your mind into a new shape.
“What if the change you’re avoiding is the one that will set you free?”
Learn more about The Unstoppable Workshop™ here: https://unstoppable.zone/the-unstoppable-workshop/
Register for The Unstoppable Workshop™ here: https://unstoppable.zone/events/list/featured/

Preface to “Being Unstoppable” a book by David Chard

First, allow me to begin with a very old story….

 The Story of the Tiger and the Donkey

Once upon a time there was a tigress that was about to give birth. One day when she was out hunting she came upon a herd of wild donkeys. She gave chase, and even in her condition, managed to kill one of them, but the stress of the chase forced her into labor, and she died as she gave birth to a male cub. The donkeys, which had run away, returned when they sensed that the danger was over. Approaching the dead tigress, they discovered the newborn cub and adopted him into their herd.

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What does it mean to “Be Unstoppable?”

this is truth

When I tell people the title of my book, “Being Unstoppable,” they often say “Oh, so it’s one of those Tony Robbins kind of things.” Meaning, another ‘fix yourself’ by:
  • Figuring out your past
  • Pumping yourself up
  • Working out
  • Going on a diet
  • Getting ahead
  • Making a ton of money
  • Finding your soulmate
  • Getting your 15 minutes of fame, and so on.

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