our promise

While we can never take responsibility for your change, we are 100% committed to be your partner in change and do guarantee we will use all our best resources to support your change. 

  • We will never ‘over-promise’ but are committed to giving all our customers a realistic picture of what is involved in personal change, personal breakthroughs, and transformation.

  • We do not respect those who claim they can ‘guarantee’ breakthroughs because we know they cannot. 

  • The only one who can guarantee his or her own changes is you. As such we will always take extra care to communicate what we are committed to and what we expect from participants in our experiential workshops.

Unstoppable™ products, events and services are all grounded in the understanding that we cannot change anyone; but we can provide the most effective tools, mindsets, world-views and experiences to help anyone who sincerely wants to change and has made the decision to change now, rather than ‘someday.’ In other words, it’s up to you to commit to fully involving yourself in eliminating the limiting beliefs that are getting in your way.