Being Free Moving Forward, Towards a Vision
Choosing Possibility Discarding the Past
Being Response-Able Living in the Now
Being Resilient in the Face of Chaos Being Self-Compassionate
Connecting to Spirit Being Grateful and Trusting in Life

About the Values of Being Unstoppable

All these values are fully connected to each other, though it can be useful to consider them separately until they naturally integrate into a whole process of Being, Thinking, and Acting Unstoppably.

A major focus of “Leading Yourself, Unstoppably,” is communicating these values in powerful experiential ways so that they become meaningful and accessible to participants in the Unstoppable Zone. 

Every technique or experiential method used in “Leading Yourself, Unstoppably,” leads to a deeper understanding of the Unstoppable Values and creates an opening for participants to embrace these values in their daily lives.

We claim that each value reflects an energy that already exists in the world, not something that has been ‘made up’ or ‘invented.’ Cultivating these values and the energies they contain, leads to an Unstoppable life. 

In our experience, it is the lack of these values in actual practice that leaves people feeling disconnected, powerless, unsatisfied, and adrift in a seemingly ‘meaningless’ existence characterized by personal suffering and being stopped.