“Leading Yourself, Unstoppably” May 27 & 28, 2023, in Taipei

Book your ticket now to attend “Leading Yourself, Unstoppably,” in Taipei. May 27 & 28, 2023.

Book now and get all the following benefits:

2 days of intensive fun, learning, and exploration of The Unstoppable World. A completely new way to see yourself, your past and your future. At a price you can easily afford.

The keys to Leading Yourself, Unstoppably, no matter what obstacles may appear. You will learn how to lead yourself, and others, to new futures and possibilities that matter to you and those you lead.

Free yourself from limiting beliefs, old stories, fears and that vicious Inner Critic who tells you it’s all impossible. You will gain an Unfair Advantage and save yourself 20 years of frustration.

Realize your personal Vision and proceed with confidence, knowing you are Unstoppable.

Put your past behind you, once and for all, armed with a New Story and a huge toolkit that will last you the rest of your life.

Includes breakfast and a full lunch buffet on both days in a beautiful venue.

Specially priced now at only USD695 per person until May 11. Only 30 tickets available. Book now and launch the next chapter of your life. This chance won’t come again.

This will be the final Unstoppable Workshop in Taiwan.  Looking forward to seeing you there! Be prepared to be surprised.

Your Life is Waiting. Be There!

We are having fun!
Did we mention fun?

What is “Unstoppable Coaching?”

Unstoppable Coaching is one-on-one life coaching based on the principles outlined in the book, “Being Unstoppable,” by David Chard, and brought to life experientially in The Unstoppable Workshop.

Are you lost inside limiting beliefs?

“The purpose of the coaching is to take a close look at what you want and the things that stop you from having it. As clarity about ‘what’s stopping you’ emerges, the coaching focuses on the five principal reasons people do not achieve their dreams. The coaching is unique in it’s focus on undoing limiting beliefs.”

No.1 The Box: Essentially, this is the ‘box’ that people want to transcend when they say, “I need to go outside the box.” The box is the reactive Robot (hard-wired reaction-patterns) and Filters that shape your Comfort Zone and personal blind spots. Essentially, ‘The Box’ is your mind and your nervous system. Your mind is a beautiful gift, but when self-awareness is blocked, it can stop you and keep you stuck in circular strategies that go nowhere. Every see the film “Groundhog’s Day?” Unstoppable Coaching helps you see the conflicts that prevent you moving forward when one part of you says “Yes!” and another part says “No!”
And when you understand these conflicts and what to do about them, you are on your way.
No. 2 Stories: Human beings live from stories of their own creation. You have a story about who you are, what is possible and not possible for you, what your life means, what the world is like, and “who you are” as a person. With the right story, you can achieve anything. But if your story (outside of awareness) does not serve your dream, it will stop you in your tracks. In Unstoppable Coaching, you will gain deep insights into your story, where it came from, how it is or is not serving you and how to create a powerful story that can make you Unstoppable.
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The Unstoppable Workshop 2020

Mark your calendar for February 22-23, 2020 so you won’t miss the 2.0 edition of The Unstoppable Workshop. Based on feedback and insights from the Pilot Edition, we have revised and updated the Unstoppable experience to make it better than ever,

Changes include:

2-day format instead of 2.5 days

More focused on key self-awareness experiences

New Thought Experiences to engage your mind at deeper levels.

See you at The Unstoppable Workshop 2020, in Taipei

Updated Participant Manual